Trio of EPOWERdoc clients go live with EMRDoc
Three EPOWERdoc hospitals have completed successful go-live implementations of EMRDoc in the last month.
Mississippi County Hospital System, based in Blytheville, Arkansas, recently completed a successful go-live with two hospital installations. South Mississippi County Regional Hospital in Osceola, went live with EMRDoc April 10th, while Great River Medical Center in Blytheville went live April 17th. Both hospitals have fully interfaced the EMRDoc product to the main HMS system, including orders, results, registration and final record.
Carlinville Area Hospital in Carlinville, Illinois went live with EMRDoc May 8th. Carlinville Area, a long-standing paper template client of EPOWERdoc, integrated the EMRDoc system with CPSI. Carlinville is also staffed by Emergency Consultants, Inc., a partner organization of EPOWERdoc that provides emergency physician staffing and management to over 100 hospitals nationwide.