EHR Back-up Plan is Vital Part of Effective Platform

April 16, 2014

You have your leading edge electronic health record system in place, you've attested to meaningful use and your providers have gotten comfortable with the technology. All done, right?

Wrong. If you don't have a back-up plan for the times when your system is down, you are flirting with disaster. It's been said that necessity is the mother of all invention, but when your system is down and you don't have a clearly defined process in place to deal with it, you won't have time to invent anything that will help you maintain an efficient and effective practice.

And that means patient safety is on the line each day you move forward without a back-up plan in place.


That means as hard as you've worked to put paper charting behind you, it is vital to have a comprehensive "traditional" charting system ready to activate in the event of a failure of your electronic system. The great thing about paper is that it is tactile. Through power outages and system failures, environmental disasters and unforeseen crises, paper is more reliable than about any other charting method.

At EPOWERdoc, we made our name in paper charting. While we've evolved from our early days and now provide a comprehensive EHR for Emergency Departments that is certified for Meaningful Use under the Drummond Group's Electronic Health Records Office of the National Coordinator Authorized Certification Testing Body (ONC-ACTB) program, we still know paper charting. In fact, we've designed our paper charting solution to work seamlessly with virtually any EHR to ensure that when you're in crisis mode, you have a dependable solution to fall back on.

Our back-up plan offers you piece of mind and a paper charting system that includes bar codes and a “scan to electronic document” function to preserve the electronic health record.

It is an affordable safety net allowing you to maintain your efficiency during EMR downtime in a format that can be converted back to electronic after the encounter. And that is a function you can't afford to be without.

To learn more about our back-up solutions, call us at 515.965.8040 or email jporter@epowerdoc.com.

About EPOWERdoc

EPOWERdoc is a leader in computerized Emergency Department Information Systems (EDIS), using a design team comprised of emergency physicians and nurses. Additionally, EPOWERdoc provides superior medical content for other vendor EMR builds. As it was from the beginning, the EPOWERdoc mission is centered around excellence, integrity and service. Every employee is committed to going above and beyond in meeting the needs of the client, while focusing on the specialized needs of the physicians, nurses and hospitals they serve.

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