More Americans Consider Availability of EMR When Selecting Provider

December 19, 2013

Twenty-four percent of Americans surveyed in August indicate they are currently using electronic medical records (EMRs) to check test results, order prescription refills and make appointments. More telling is that more than half of those surveyed say they take the availability of EMR technology into account when choosing a provider.

EPOWERdoc provides technology that specifically supports the electronic delivery of and access to patient care data in the Emergency Room.

The survey of Americans' perception and use of EMR technology was conducted by independent research firms Aeffect and 88 Brand Partners.

Tamara O'Shoughnessy, Vice President of Aeffect, says in a press release detailing the study that the results are telling.

"The study findings clearly indicate a strong link between EMR users and their confidence in the quality of healthcare they receive. There is solid evidence that the investment providers continue to make in EMR systems is likely to put adopters at a competitive advantage and yield dividends beyond the expected operational efficiencies.

"Namely, it will enhance patient loyalty and satisfaction."

The EMR Impact Study identified four segments of EMR users:

  • Stage 1 – Disinterested Non-Users (18%) believe EMRs are no more accurate than paper files; say they don't need their medical information outside of their doctors' offices.

  • Stage 2 – Interested Non-Users (52%) tend to be less satisfied with their physician than any other type of user; most influenced by physicians encouragement of using EMRs.

  • Stage 3 – Trial Users (9%) have the highest share of women and non-white consumers than any other group; one-third have just recently started using EMRs within the last six months.

  • Stage 4 – Regular Users (13%) prefer emailing their doctor instead of calling or meeting in-person; one in three are caregivers to an adult family member; 67 percent say online access would be very influential in their choice of a new doctor.

Other key findings cited in the press release include:

  • Consumers who prefer their doctor to use an electronic chart cited numerous reasons including: access to medical records (40%); accuracy/better record keeping (18%); and coordination of care and information sharing (e.g. in case of emergency) (17%).

  • EMR utilization is higher among consumers who are younger, live in the Western part of the United States, have higher levels of education, and provide care to an adult family member. An estimated 34 percent of residents of Western states report having tried an EMR.

  • Consumers do not believe that paper charts are more secure than EMRs (28% agree). However, nearly 40 percent (39%) believe that electronic medical records are more accurate than paper charts.

For a full copy of the report and details on its methodology, please visit www.EMRPatientImpact.com.

About EPOWERdoc

EPOWERdoc is a leader in computerized Emergency Department Information Systems (EDIS), using a design team comprised of emergency physicians and nurses.  Additionally, EPOWERdoc provides superior medical content for other vendor EMR builds. As it was from the beginning, the EPOWERdoc mission is centered around excellence, integrity and service. Every employee is committed to going above and beyond in meeting the needs of the client, while focusing on the specialized needs of the physicians, nurses and hospitals they serve.

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